的 克拉克森书院使命 is to prepare students to professionally provide high quality, 道德和富有同情心的卫生保健服务.
- 学习: 的 lifelong process of education through both structured and unstructured experiences.
- 关怀: An empowering relationship through an attitude of empathy, compassion and respect for those with whom we interact, 服务和领导.
- 承诺: Dedication to the shared mission of PG电子APP.
- 完整性: Adherence to moral and ethical standards in personal, professional and organizational actions.
- 卓越: A level of performance in which all individuals strive for extraordinary quality.
根据 国际学术诚信中心, there are five fundamental values that characterize an academic community of integrity:
- 诚实: 的 quest for truth and knowledge requires intellectual and personal honesty in learning, 教学, 研究及服务. Honesty in the way we utilize information to articulate academic positions and activities related to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.
- 公平: 学生之间的互动, faculty and administrators should be grounded in clear standards, 惯例和程序.
- 信任: Academic institutions must foster a climate of mutual trust in order to stimulate the free exchange of ideas.
- 尊重: Learning is acknowledged as a participatory process, and a wide range of opinions and ideas is respected.
- 责任: An implied contract exists between faculty and students to comport ourselves in upholding the 任务 and 值 of PG电子APP. A thriving academic community demands personal accountability on the part of all members and depends on action in the face of wrongdoing.
的se values represent the principles that bolster how we live and learn in a community actively engaged in intellectual investigation. 作为一个学者团体的成员, we are entitled to academic freedom in the pursuit of intellectual interests. 有了这种自由, 然而, comes the responsibility to uphold the highest ethical standards of academic and professional conduct.
PG电子APP is unwavering in its commitment to the ultimate standards of integrity. If students do not live up to these high standards, it compromises not only the value of his/her education but also their future professional competence. PG电子APP expects all students to pursue his/her educational aspirations with passion and integrity, honestly completing each course requirement as assigned, as well as demonstrating professionalism in every clinical experience.
目标 & PG电子APP
PG电子APP has developed these webpages to:
- Ensure that all members of the PG电子APP community understand our standards and expectations of behavior.
- 使学生熟悉 PG电子APPPG电子APP designed to help improve their time management and organizational skills.
- 的 写作实验室 offers systematic assistance on campus and online in getting started on a written assignment, 写论文陈述, 研究, 组织思想和使用APA风格.
- 的 成功的中心 offers free personal and academic-related counseling services. 的se support services deal with issues ranging from test anxiety, 时间管理和学生组织能力.
- 的 辅导计划 involves a faculty or staff member who individually encourages, guides and supports new students as they successfully adapt to PG电子APP.